Monday 22 July 2013

Making a rod for my own back(side).

Ever since Miss tried a garden cane out on my bottom (and it snapped into ever decreasing lengths with every stroke), I had pondered on how to make a decent cane. Yes, I know they are available on the internet market, but I think that there is something rather satisfying about actually making an implement with ones own hands.
Thinking of what we had stored in our garage I suddenly remembered about my old fishing gear. I gave up fishing long ago when I took up golf and so, rummaging about amongst the dust and cobwebs, I eventually found what I was looking for. My old pike rod, the top piece being the main focus of my attention. So eager was I to get started, that I forgot to take a photograph of it before hand. So I borrowed one off the internet that resembled it most closely.

After a mornings work of filing and sanding down I had the last 18 inches down to about 8mm and the rest tapered gradually up to the metal rod connector, which I choose to leave on.
Now for the handle.
Knowing a trick or two about removing and refitting a golf grip, I thought this would be the easy part.......
The bastard would not come off an old club I had, (an eight iron). I knew I should have used a seven. Many tries and many more oaths later, I hit upon the idea of using higher pressure to force the petrol between grip and shaft. Double cylinder foot pump to the rescue, and with a whooosh and much spray of petrol, the grip was free.
Problems were had and then solved, but I think I did a pretty good job, even if I do say so myself.

Miss seems to be very pleased with it.

Kind regards,

Thursday 11 July 2013

The Headmaster

Good health is always something that most of us take for granted. It was therefore, a bit of a shock to learn that the headmaster has had a spell of trouble with his back. Bad enough in fact to put him in hospital for several days. Not knowing any further details, I can only hope that this is but a short term problem and of course, that he makes a full and speedy recovery.
   I, as I'm sure all that know and respect you sir, wish you good health.
         With the utmost sincerity sir,
                                                 Get well soon Mr.Geoff.

Kind regards,